Python API for czech URN:NBN resolver (documentation).

What is URN:NBN

URN:NBN is system for registration and assigning of special codes for electronic publications (it may look like this: urn:nbn:cz:edep-00000s). The codes can be then used to resolve (translate) the code to metadata information about publication and/or to get pointer to actual digital instance of the publication (=file).

The system works like magnet used by the popular torrent programs and websites. Once you have the URN, you can query independent resolvers (torrent trackers), which then points you to libraries (users), who store copy of the document (file).


cz-urnnbn-api is Python package used to work with czech URN:NBN resolver. It allows you to register documents, add new digital instances and resolve strings back to URL of systems, where the document is stored.

The package is not 100% complete, because complex nature of the API and because it was created for E-deposit project, which doesn’t require 100% functionality. Package is opensource, and pull requests are welcomed.

Package structure

The package itself is split into multiple files.

File relations

Import relations of files:


Class relations

Relations of the classes:


Usage example


Module is hosted at PYPI, and can be easily installed using PIP:

sudo pip install cz-urnnbn-api

Source code

Project is released under MIT license. Source code can be found at GitHub:


Almost every feature of the project is tested by unittests. You can run those tests using provided script, which can be found in the root of the project.

The script can be used to run unittests (-u switch), which doesn’t activelly work with online API, and integration tests (-i switch), which works only with online API. Both tests can be run using -a switch.

If you have any trouble, just add --pdb switch at the end of your command like this: ./ -a --pdb. This will drop you to PDB shell.


This script expects that packages pytest and fake-factory is installed. In case you don’t have it yet, it can be easily installed using following command:

pip install --user pytest fake-factory

or for all users:

sudo pip install pytest fake-factory


$ ./ -a
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.6 -- py-1.4.26 -- pytest-2.6.4
plugins: cov
collected 29 items

tests/integration/ ....
tests/unit/ ....
tests/unit/ .........
tests/unit/ ..
tests/unit/api_structures/ .....
tests/unit/api_structures/ ...
tests/unit/api_structures/ ..

========================== 29 passed in 0.75 seconds ===========================

Indices and tables